• 2025 Wildfire Air Monitoring
    South Coast AQMD has an expanded air monitoring initiative to support cleanup activities in the Eaton and Palisades fire areas.

    Stage One: Mobile Monitoring: The initiative began with mobile monitoring on January 31, 2025. Results of the mobile monitoring will help identify locations for temporary air monitoring stations.

    Stage Two: Stationary Air Monitoring: South Coast AQMD will monitor particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), air toxic metals and asbestos at identified sites.

    The sites were chosen based on mobile survey results, cleanup activity, proximity to sensitive receptors (such as residents and schools), meteorological conditions, and access to power and security for the monitoring equipment.

    Data from these sites will help evaluate potential health impacts to communities close to cleanup activities and confirm air quality conditions in the vicinity of staging areas and truck routes.

    Air Sampling and Data Reporting
    • Continuous Particulate Monitoring: Measurements for PM2.5 and PM10 are near-real time. Data is updated hourly.
    • Scheduled Asbestos and Air Toxics Sampling: 24-hour air samples are collected every three days and delivered for expedited laboratory analysis. Data will be available approximately one week after collection.
    To access the data, please click on the blue dots on the map.
    For more information on South Coast AQMD’s efforts in response to the recent wildfires, please visit www.aqmd.gov/lawildfires

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