Rule 2202 VMT Calculator

Effective January 1, 2025, employers must report the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) of employees arriving at the worksite as detailed in the Rule 2202 Implementation Guidelines or Employee Commute Reduction Program (ECRP) Guidelines.

This tool was developed to assist employers with calculating the VMT totals for their employees as required by Rule 2202. The tool calculates the VMT totals for each mode of transportation using the AVR survey data or employee zip codes. The VMT totals that are calculated by this tool represent the potential maximum VMT for a worksite, including telecommute and/or other modes that reduce or eliminate a commute trip to the worksite.

For employers that conduct an AVR survey, the AVR survey must be completed first before using this tool. The AVR survey data for each mode of transportation will be used as inputs into this VMT calculator tool. The VMT totals are required to be reported on the Weekly Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by Mode form.

For employers that do not conduct an AVR survey, the employer must report the employee home zip codes using the template provided by this tool. Zip codes shall be reported using anonymized employee data such that specific employee names or other identifying information is not included. The VMT totals are required to be reported on the Rule 2202 Registration Form.

Detailed instructions for using the Rule 2202 VMT Calculator Tool can be found at: Click here

Worksites that have conducted a survey

  • Choose option “Facilities that DID survey their employees.”
  • Template provided (in Excel) will require miles to worksite (one way) and mode of transportation for each peak window employee for each day of the survey period.
  • VMT Calculator data may be exported for peak window employees (and non-peak employees, if surveyed).
  • Export and save calculated VMT and enter data on compliance submittal.

Worksites that have NOT conducted a survey

  • Choose option “Facilities that DID NOT survey their employees.”
  • Template provided (in Excel) will require home zip code for each peak window employee.
  • VMT calculator distance calculations can be exported for peak window employees.
  • Export and save calculated VMT and enter data on compliance submittal.